    Be @Smart Manufacturing Matchmaking 2020 – Virtual Edition


    SEEMS, participated at the BE @SMM2020 - Brokerage Event in the context of Be @Smart Manufacturing Matchmaking 2020 – Virtual Edition,

    which organized by Spin Ricerca Innovazione e Trasferimento Tecnologico S.r.l.

    Event Dates: 18-20 November 2020
    More Info:

    National Development Conference

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    The National Development Conference for the new NSRF 2021 - 2027 will be held on January 17, 2020, at the Athens Concert Hall. The aim is to formulate strategic choices at the National and Regional levels for all the critical development and socio-economic issues of the new programming period. Among the speakers will be Petros Soukoulias, co-founder of SEEMS with a speech about the Digital Transformation of Industries.